Vision & Purpose

Afrika wa Yesu Wheel
Discover the ministries of Afrika wa Yesu
The Hub
The heartbeat of the ministry, not a physical location
Evangelism, soul winning is key to this ministry. New converts are connected to Afrika wa Yesu Churches and home groups where they can be discipled. Every person connected with AWYesu is encouraged to be active in evangelism.
The Spokes
Each ministry is a spoke strengthening the wheel to fulfil the vision of the entire ministry.
- Inhaminga Bible College (IBC): Located in central Mozambique. An intensive six month course raising up evangelists, pastors and leaders to affect their nation for Christ. Graduates of IBC can apply for any of the further training programs of AWYesu.
- Nacala Bible College (NBC): Located in Northern Mozambique. An intensive six month course raising up evangelists, pastors and leaders to affect their nation for Christ. Graduates of NBC can apply for any of the further training programs of AWYesu.
- Vocational Centre (VC): Training in practical work skills including carpentry, sustainable agriculture, D-I-Y, maintenance, computers, natural medicine, and Business God's Way.
- Teachers Training (TT): Training Mozambican teachers for the AWYesu Schools.
- Church Planting (CP): Planting churches pastored by men trained at AWYesu Bible College and Pastoral School. The same churches multiply and raise up new students to send to the Bibles Schools, thus providing new leaders for the work of the ministry.
- Youth Evangelism (YE): Reaching Youth and ministering to them. Training some of them as well as Church Leaders in Youth and Child Evangelism.
- Dental Missions (DM): The dental Clinic at Inhaminga serves the community and outlying areas. They receive free treatment and hear the gospel. The Mobile Clinic visits accessible AWYesu ministry locations to back up the work as well as meet the needs of the poor with free dental care.
- Project Alegria (JOY): A ministry of hope and joy helping the poor and needy. Caring for widows and orphans within the communities. Visiting hospitals and care giving where the sick have no family to help them.
The Rim
The rim connects each ministry designation one to the other. Each member of Afrika wa Yesu plays a vital role in the turning of the wheel.
- Evangelism — Go ye into all the world. Souls are won.
- Converts begin to meet in a house, under a tree.
- They receive input from Team members and visiting missions.
- Potential Leaders emerge and attend seminars or Bible College
- The Church Builds a House to meet in.
- An AWYesu trained pastor is set within the church
- The Church evangelizes and grows, planting more churches.
- The Church sends new students to the Bible Schools.
- Further training exists to raise up leaders, train pastors, equip men and women in work skills and small businesses.
- Missionaries are raised up.