Afrika Wa Yesu, based in Inhaminga, Mozambique, welcomes you!
Founders Rod & Ellie Hein, ministering in Mozambique since 1981, starting Afrika wa Yesu Bible School under a tree in the remote Inhaminga region of central Mozambique. The vision to reach Mozambique for Christ has grown phenomenally and continues to increase.

Rod and Ellie Hein
We have two Spirit-empowered Bible Schools, one in Inhaminga and the other in Nacala, where we also have a Vocational Center, equipping and training men in basic work skills. Working together as a powerful team of Mozambican and international missionaries, we are reaching souls through evangelism and church planting.
Afrika wa Yesu is a team-focused ministry, running in the strength and joy that unity brings. While soul winning is our primary purpose, teaching and training Mozambican pastors and leaders to reach their own nation is a vital part of this ministry. Basic business training, with a variety of practical courses, is offered at Nacala Vocational Centre.
We want this site not only to tell you about us and the African field, but also to help you have a deeper relationship with Jesus. If you've never given your heart to Jesus, or if you desire to have a more real and meaningful relationship with Him, we invite you to look around our website and experience Him for yourself … once you meet Him, your life will never be the same again. God loves you and has a plan for you!
With love and much appreciation,
Rod & Ellie and all at Afrika wa Yesu