Children & Youth Ministry
Children: the most fruitful harvest
Our Vision is to reach, nurture, and disciple every child possible in this nation with the love of Christ. We believe that we need to train child evangelists and local believers to reach the children and minister to the whole family.
Evangelism: reaching the children that live in the most undeveloped places
God has open doors for us to travel all over the nation, to the most unreached places where we find children in need and so hungry for the love of God. Many of them are taking the decision to know and follow Jesus and their lives are changed.
Helping them grow in all 4 areas: physical, mental, social-emotional and spiritual
We want to open new Child Centers all over the nation. A place where children can come and feel loved, develope learning skills, arts and have a safe place to play. We already have one of these centers in Inhaminga: Casa Esperanca where we have around 100 children coming daily to receive spiritual and physical food, they are taught to know Jesus and helped to do better school and arts.
Recognize and respond to children in need
In Mozambique children have for centuries lived in poverty, risk, abuse, not treated with respect, child labor and not knowing Jesus. We have a wonderful team of young Mozambicans that see a child with God’s eyes and everywhere they go or settle they minister healing to them, responding to their crises in a loving and practical way.
Youth: Radical for Jesus
Our Vision is to teach and equip this young generation to know Jesus and their purpose in His Kingdom, to show the love of Jesus; minister healing and restoration in their lives; recognize and raise up strong leaders for youth ministry.
Through personal and group discipleship, holding regional and national youth conferences and rallies and help the church to develop Youth Ministry in their communities.
In personal discipleship and during meetings and conferences we see teens and young adults changed radically for Jesus.
Young Mozambican evangelists that were trained for years to work with children and youth have been appointed in the year of 2011 as Child and Youth Coordinators. Praise God for faithful and strong men that are rising up in this nation to lead the way for their own and the generations that comes.